Phone app for Spyder system

Since it was asked on another thread I am going to put the details here.

It is often asked if there is an app to control the lights and other functions. Well there is. There are two modules available from Firefly Integrations that are plug in play and utilize the front port on the G6 resettable fuse panel or onto the RSI9 board that is almost always located behind the G6.

I have found the best use case for the app being adjusting the temperature while in bed, putting the awnings out while we are outside or turning on the AC just before we land at a spot to cool down the rig.

There are two modules Mira (bluetooth module) and Eclipse (wifi + bluetooth) and they are usually around $500 and $800 respectfully. When VL rallies were still going on you could get a $200 discount if purchased during the rally so they may still offer deals at other events they attend.

We have been using the Eclipse module since we purchased our Beacon and has been very usueful especially when we are away from the unit and still have the ability to connect to check or adjust temperatures (if internet is available).

If you have a 23 model Vilano, Beacon or Ambition the Mira is automatically included. The 23 model years changed from the G6 controller to the G12s which has it built in.

There is still an open source solution called Coach Proxy that takes a bit more technical expertise to setup however usually sells for around $250 on their Facebook group. CP does allow for more customized integrations if you have the technical knowledge.

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Thanks for great info!:sunglasses:

Thanks for the details and pics. I’ve been thinking about the Coach Proxy setup, but since they closed up shop, I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend a lot of time setting up and configuring that.

The Firefly integration certainly looks easier and less time consuming, but it’s not cheap. If I can convince the boss, that’s the option I think I’ll be using.

I have a few friends running coach proxy in their Beacons. With it now being open source there is a Facebook group where a lot of folks doing unique things - however still requires some technical knowledge.

We just bought our 23 Beacon 42RKB and the Mira touch is showing on the touchscreen, but has no codes displayed for me to enter on the phone app. We have the G12 system, so if I understand you correctly, the module is built in and not separate.

My question then is where I get the codes to activate on the touch screen so I can register the mobile app to the system?

It is actually part of the 23 units build but the actual device is separate from the G12. If you open the area where your G12s are located you should find the device attached to them. Unfortunately when they switched to the G12s they didnt mount them but piled them in with the wire bundle so pictures I have seen it has been a bit buried.

Thanks for the tip, I will dig around and see if I can find it!

Did you get this sorted out? I have the G12 in our 41LKB and have done a bit of cleanup on it over the past year including removal of both G12 modules, sorting all cables and mounting everything.

The picture is the interface module.

Thanks Eric, I was hoping you would stop in a post a pic for Hebrews12v2.

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I did find it. I have a Beacon 42RKB and found it and a mess of wires under the Progressive fuse box mid coach. I got all connected and using the app now. We are on our way to Rapid City SD and will be there two weeks. I have added a bunch of tasks to my personal to-do list. We will be in Rapid City tomorrow.

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Glad you found it! I think my favorite use for the phone app is changing the temperature while in bed. I also have found it useful when I am up working on seals or gutter rails and need to adjust the awning.

Enjoy the Rapid City area - there is a lot to do over there.

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I’m taking a closer look at this again. I contacted Firefly and they confirmed both modules (Mira & Eclipse) are available for 2020 Beacon using the G6 system. The pricing has changed a bit and they told me the Mira is $850 and the Eclipse is $950. I’m wishing now I looked harder at the rallies we attended to get that $200 discount Ryan mentioned.

Their website did mention “Purchase of an Eclipse Module includes a free 90-day remote access trial. After the trial, the server fee is $8.99 monthly or $89.00 annually.”

For those of you using the Eclipse version do you find the Wi-Fi connectivity worth the additional cost and recurring subscription? I think the initial $100 additional for the Wi-Fi option isn’t terrible given the extended capability, but not a fan of subscriptions (everything is a damned subscription nowadays).

I’m close to pulling the trigger on this and would to love hear about any issues you might have run into or how well it works overall.



There are functions of the Eclipse (wifi) that made me go that direction vs the Mira which is only bluetooth. I can see and adjust the temperatures when I am away from the rig (as long as it is connected to my network either TMobile or Starlink). We dont leave our pups for long but will occasionally go to a new friends site within the park to meet up and I can monitor the temps. I have also used it on hike days to add some extra chill to the rig on the way back to the rig. Currently the rig is in a remote location (I am not with it) and I have been using the Eclipse to turn on the exterior / interior light at night to help detour somebody going up to a dark abandoned 5th wheel.

I had purchased the Eclipse before they started to implement the subscription costs or I would have considered another option. I paid $400 for my Eclipse as it was purchased at a rally. Later there was discussion about the newly implemented subscription and they had told me that I wouldn’t see those costs as I purchased prior. I have not had to pay subscriptions to date but I am always waiting for a software update to make changes to that.

If you have some technical ability there is also the Coach Proxy option. There is still a large group of folks supporting those and several have put that unit in their Vanleighs although does require technical knowledge. Those units usually go for around $250 when posted in the Coach Proxy group on Facebook. Much more robust units allowing you to do Homekit / Alexa integrations or scheduled events.

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Hey! I’m new here, I have these two one in the storage and one in the rig. How do I get connected with an app? Thx in advance!

Welcome to the group! What year of unit do you have? You would have to have the module that is pictured in my post above (mine is connected by orange wires) or the one posted by @ERamsey. The two devices you have pictured are for leveling and the main Spyder control screen.

That device came with 23 model year units but prior years the owners had to purchase the module from Firefly Integrations.

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Thank you so much for the welcome and the reply! It’s a 2020 model. Where can I get the additional needed module? Thx again!

There are two different types of modules but they are spendy. You would need to call Firefly Integrations to get the most recent pricing and order. On last check the pricing was:
Mira (bluetooth only) $890.00
Eclipse (bluetooth and WIFI) $990.00
Firefly Integrations - (574) 825-4600

Those prices have increased signfically as I bought my Eclipse for $600. They used to give discounts at rallies so if by chance you go to a Tiffin rally that might be an option.

If you want a cheaper more advanced solution you can look at Coach Proxy. It is a similar sized device but does require technical knowledge as you will have to program it for your coach. There is a community for Coach Proxy so may not be as bad as it sounds. I had a very non technical friend set on up in his Vilano. Those units have been running around $200. I believe the only community for support and purchase is a Facebook group.

At the current prices I think I would have a hard time making the purchase however with that said my unit is currently remote from me and I am able to monitor temperatures in the unit and control the heating and lighting as needed.

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On the FB group for Coach Proxy it says " About this group

As of early 2019, CoachProxy is NO LONGER BEING MADE, SOLD, or DEVELOPED.

A modified version of the SOFTWARE (called CoachProxyOS) has been released under an Open Source License (GPLv3) so that interested software developers can attempt to modify the software for their own use." (?)