That is correct and the product is Open Source. If you go to their website it will appear it is completely inactive as the developer and the sales are all through the FB group. The developer keeps the legacy server alive by donation of the group however it is better to build off of a Raspberry PI so you aren’t dependent on the server.
You will find the devices for sale regularly in the group used and new. If you want to look for some of that information the developer is Mike Fischer and David Earnest has them regularly for sale. For Black Friday they were less than $200.
Make sure you understand before jumping into it but there are several Vanleigh owners in that group that have assisted other owners. Marcus has developed for several Vanleigh models. It would be best to have a technical background but as I said a friend of mine was able to get his going and he is very non technical.
Fore sure a less expensive path with much more capability then the Firefly module. My background is in Information Technology but I didnt make the Coach Proxy jump because the Firefly Eclipse module was offered at a discount to me at a rally (prior to owning my Vanleigh) and seemed like an easy plug and play approach.