We purchased a 2018 Vanleigh Vilano 325 RL That was factory prepped for a generator but was recently installed and only has 23. hours on it. We can get it to start and run but must remove the filter and choke the intake and then once warmed up it will keep running. everything seems to be installed and it does switch over but getting it started not good. Took it to shop and because it is inside the shroud and has its green cover on which they say they cant access the screws to get it off they want 8 hours shop time to get cover off and unit out of the front compartment. They say they cant access the baffle system without doing this. My question is if its already inside a steel shroud why does it need the green cover. Chop it up with a multi tool and full access. I know extreme but 8 hours shop time I think I can buy a new cover if it is actually needed. Another question all the rigs I have seen with a generator have a vent and screen on the hatch cover. Mine does not. Is that enough circulation for breathing and cooling?
Welcome to the group!
Did you take it to a Cummings shop? None of my rigs had a vent or screen on the hatch with gen installed from factory. I have had two Grand Design toy haulers and the Beacon.
I will also say that those generators are finicky with oil levels. Too much or not enough oil will shut the thing down quickly. Our Onan three rigs ago would start, run and shutdown within a few minutes. If we could get it warmed up it would stay running for as long as we needed. I later ran across a youtube video that explained that the oil level was likely too high. I removed some of the oil and it started and ran like a champ. I always kept my levels on the low side there after.
I have not had any issues with my current Onan in my Beacon but I have continued the same practice. Might be something to try. There is a more reputable video out there but these are the ones that come up with a quick google search.
I believe Cummins advises to not run the generator without the front cover attached. I’ve noticed that warning on ours.
I’m betting that has to do insuring the air flows are directed properly for cooling. Without the shroud in place it could cause potential cooling issues. I have run ours briefly with the front cover off after doing maintenance but not for more than 5-10 minutes before reattaching the front shroud cover.
Frustrating. I have lived and worked on boats with tight spaces since 2007. I understand the frustration of working on something that was “built around”.
you can consider this. The shroud can be cut with a rotary tool and removed in sections. Once the work has been completed place the shroud back on and secure it together with latches (or metal straps and screws) on the outside. Cuts need to be strategic, but with a good tool and planning the shroud can be cleanly removed and securely replaced to get the work done.