Insignia stove removal for temporary project

Hey folks has anyone had to remove the insignia stove out of a 2022 Beacon? I did remove the 4 screws at the front bottom near the front pads with no luck. The stove was still very solid feeling and no give at all. I was hoping to remove the stove to run a power line across to improve the availability of electricity for appliances on the counter top. Everything on one 15 amp breaker is not enough. So anyway how is the Insignia mounted to the wall??

Thanks Ralph

That oven on my unit in addition to the front feet screws - it has 6 screws through the cabinet on the left side and 5 through the right side. The back feet are held into a bracket but once you remove all of the screws it will come out.

We found this out the rough way when a technician left out the screws in the sides and the oven fell over during a drive day.

Thanks Ryan, I will check them out in my unit. It’s only got one on each side that I could see. The wife pointed those out but I thought they were for the cabinet itself. Will remove them and see if that helps. Yeah I only had 2 screws in my cabinet to the side of the stove, should have known that they would do the least amount needed. I got the stove out far enough to run a additional power cord from the dishwasher receptacle to the rear cabinet so we can power up additional appliances now.
Thanks Ryan that was a project I wanted to get done for us. My stove actually just set down on a 1x4 with the rubber feet and across the front the two screws on either side were just for looks. After I removed the two side screws I had to lift the stove and slide it out.