Dimming question

Is there a trick to dimming the switch panel in the bedroom? Right now I’m using a make-shift plate made out of duct tape that I flip up to turn the lights out so I can block the light. If there isn’t, has anyone come up with something aesthetically pleasing to hide the backlight? Thanks

Call Spyder Controls (866) 919-9092.
They are excellent to work with.

Best I remember you can change settings on main control panel to dim the lights in switch panels. It worked for me.

Do a search on “SPYDER Panel light dimming” and there should be videos put out by SPYDER and Tiffin on how to do the panel light dimming. Our unit doesn’t appear to have this function (or I have not found it yet) so it may be year or SPYDER model dependent. I saw the videos on my phone and didn’t save the link, sorry.

I have a 2018 365RL, my panel only allows me to dim the master panel or turn the backlit completely off.

Ok I’ll look into that. Thanks

Those older wired units were unable to dim at the remote locations and most people do a cover over them like you were doing. When they changed to the battery operated switches they light up only when you touch and time out.

As Eric commented give Spyder a call to see if they have a solution / update for it. Their customer service is excellent.

Our 2019 Vilano 370GB Spyder control only allows the main panel lights to be dimmed (found under settings menu). We installed 3M temporary picture hangers on the walls over the various key pads and hung pot holders on them to cover the panel at night. They are way to bright to sleep with as is the over air tv antennae lights in the bedroom overhead.

I spoke with Spyder today and they confirmed the wireless panels are non-dimmable. However, they do sell a battery(last 2 years)operated panel that lights only when you press the button(s) for $160 per panel. I think I’ll just stick to my DIY black duct tape flap.

I have been searching for a screwless snap-on blank receptacle cover but can’t find the size. I believe the panel is 5” x 3.5”.

Something like this may be a viable solution - not sure if it is more convenient than your DIY flap. Just have to print it or find a friend or service to print it for you.

Not exactly aesthetically pleasing but I formed a cover from foil that I place on the control panel when we go to bed.

Love the idea! I found a hard 5x7 canvas and shot it with spray paint.

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That’s brilliant!

Thank you! Figured it was the best DIY option.

Related question: how do you dim the lights themselves in each of the zones? I have been unable to figure that out holding the button doesn’t seem to dim them.